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Deerness Valley Nursery
Jun 4, 20201 min read
A look inside
I'm really proud of all the team of builders, plumbers and electricians have done to build the beautiful log cabin. I'm also really proud...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Feb 17, 20201 min read
All Finished!
This honestly has been a total whirlwind of a project. I'm sure that I'm much greyer than before we began, but seeing the cabin completed...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Nov 14, 20191 min read
I know you've been waiting for an update on the building project and here it is... in a word - MUD We've had loads of rain, and with all...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Nov 3, 20191 min read
What will it look like?
After working on this project for so long now, and having a very visual imagination, I can see very clearly what it will look like when...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Jul 15, 20191 min read
Permission Granted
We got our planning permission granted! Which is superb news... Now we need to do a lot of work in the background and on the laptop to...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
May 19, 20193 min read
The Planning Application
With our planning application submitted and now being reviewed, the time has come to ask for your support. You can do that by writing...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Feb 27, 20191 min read
Cabin News
I present to you for your admiration the culmination of hours and hours and hours of planning - our final cabin design!! Well, subject to...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Jul 16, 20183 min read
What are the requirements?
When I've been researching the design of the cabin I have also been researching the requirements for the nursery. There are some that are...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Jun 29, 20181 min read
Design and Access Statement Photos
I know you love photos, so here are the photos and images I used in the design and access statement. Photographs of cabins:...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Jun 28, 20182 min read
Planning Applications - draft Design and Access Statement
The next stage in the process is to put in a planning application. However, I have never done this before either! Helpfully, our local...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Jun 26, 20181 min read
A visitor to the garden!
Wow, look who we had to visit today! I can't really believe it was just sitting there on the path! I also can't really believe I managed...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Jun 21, 20181 min read
Floor plan tool
I have a great visual imagination. I can see things really clearly in my head - how they will look, how big they are, how things fit...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Jun 20, 20181 min read
But WHICH building?!
Oh so so much choice on Tuin's website. Two storey? Thick logs? Thinner logs? How big? What shape? How many rooms? I've narrowed it down...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Jun 18, 20182 min read
A building?
I've seen many settings in my career. Victorian built schools, newly built modern schools, portacabins, converted houses, new, old, big,...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Jun 11, 20181 min read
Every business needs a place to be. The big "where??" question has been on my mind for so long now. To decide the "where" you have to...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Jun 8, 20181 min read
Project Management
Turns out being a teacher doesn't necessarily prepare you for being a project manager. So I've decided to use Asana to help me. They have...
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Deerness Valley Nursery
Jun 1, 20181 min read
Welcome to the plan!
Have you ever had a dream? Sitting at your desk, driving your car, or lying in the bath, just daydreaming about what you could be...
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